Monday, September 29, 2008

New Privacy Law

the new privacy law my group and I made during class is "any u.s. citizen has the right to privacy. no government or local officials can invade your personal property or business property. the only way to receive a warrant is to have agreed upon by local police and neighbors."
I feel with our current system of government we have in power that this bill might actually be passed through judicial review. if not then the government is a good as i hope to think they are then they would turn down the bill just by looking at it due to the fact that it gives to much power to every individual citizen and the government wouldn't be able catch any none law abiding citizens commiting terrible crimes towards the united states.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

These Past Blog's

What I am most proud on my blog is that it is easy to navigate through and find everything without a problem. I also like how it is easy to find what you are looking for. seeing how all the blogs compiled on top of each other so all you have to do is scroll down to see the next one. the article that i am most proud of would have to be Fact Checking Sex!
because i get in to detail and break down words. I really feel that is a strong point.

what I could improve on in my blog is making it more serious because the stories are mainly joking around funny that make me laugh. so I can improve this by picking articles a little more serious yet at the same time in the area I would like to write about. maybe another way i could improve upon what I already have is extending the articles and filling them with more information this way my articles aren't just a bunch of rants.

Blogging has impacted me in many ways, one being that I never really cared for politics or anything to do with the government. since we had to read the news and current events I figured what the heck. so the more I read the more connected i got and saw how much our government really bites. after reading the news articles on the Internet I turned to the local news and since we started this project I have been reading and watching the news.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

fact checking sex!!!

sex ed for kids
published September 10, 2008
revised 9/25/05

the fact check I chose was an ad McCain made against about teaching sex ed to grades k-12. McCain said that Obama is bad for wanting to teach sex ed to little kids. the bill actually was going to teach kindergarten students what to do when someone touches you in the wrong places. In my opinion that is a good idea. we do need to teach all grades a level of sexual education. I know you may disagree with me but lets be honest not many high school student believe in celibacy. this is a big issue because as many people know Palin's daughter is pregnant. As some people know Palin declined a bill in Alaska about helping single teenage mothers. maybe is her daughter would have been educated and taught to have her man wear a condom this problem would never had happened. this is why i think we need to have sex ed in all grades and as the students mature they learn appropriate things for their age.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama Waffles Sound Delicious

video from

The passage I chose is "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." I chose this because of the Obama waffles.

the people who created the waffles feel that their opinion needed to be shared so they made this waffle mix. they state they are republicans which separates them from Obama who is a democratic nomination. i agree with the declaration of Independence when it allowed this to happen. even though it also states all men are equal. this does also lower the respect they have for another person saying he is not created equal. and what he believes is fake.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Banksy An Ordinary Day in New Orleans courtesy of google

So one of my favorite topics this year is the American icon. I chose Banksy a famous graffiti artist who has yet to be caught by the law on almost every continent. His most recent mission or place he wrote on was in New Orleans to mark the third anniversary of hurricane Katrina. and how there clean up process is really slow. one of the pieces was of a construction worker whose helmet was a turtle to show how show our government works. I agree with what he is saying, it has been three years and our government won' t even help it's own people become stronger.

this is one of the art pieces he did in New Orleans.
Banksy visits New Orleans & stops by Alabama! Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Federalists vs. anti-Federalists

the conflict between the Federalists and anti-Federalists is very big to this day. the federalist are for a head power (government) which believes that someone should run the country. as to where the anti-federalist are completely against the government and think the power should be split up into three different powers and not be souly in one person's hands. in article ten of the federalist papers it says "There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects." James Madison is saying in my opinion that if we continue to let the anti-federalist pushing lies to use then we have no control over our country but if we take control then we can maintain order in our new country.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lets Go Back to New Orleans!
published by Staff Writers
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

in the article it takes about how people people shouldn't go back to New Orleans even though hurricane Gustav already passed. yet people still are. In Hobbs opinion it is there land and they are going to protect it or go back to it and try and keep it with all the personal and physical power they have. so with everyone going back the government or mayor couldn't do anything about it so they said it is ok even though it really isn't safe for them. so instead of the government stopping them and taking charge they aren't going to try and stop them.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Life, Liberty, and Drinking Beer

Published: August 21, 2008

the first article I read was about the drinking age it was called "2 Withdraw From Petition to Rethink Drinking Age". it made me think since I'm not 21 I can't consume an alcoholic beverage. in the article there are 128 signatures from college presidents. but there where two who resigned because they felt that people were reading it the wrong way. I though that since your born you should be able to decide when you are able to drink. that applies to the first stand life and another one is happiness. I know a lot of people who aren't 21 who drink to be happy at parties and things like that. the two presidents who took there names off mentioned that they don't drink anymore. but when they were freshman in college they would drink all they wanted because they knew that it was wrong and the government was dumb for raising the drinking age.

this article really made sense to me since my brother used to be the same way, but since he turned 21 last October he barley touches alcohol anymore. if you were to ask him if he drank when he was 18 he would tell you that he most likely did. i agree with the article as well and they should lower the age to 18 because that's when teens start drinking. if you cut it to 18 it won't be as fun anymore making the majority of teens not want to drink.