Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Internet Could Make You Rethink Who Your Voting For

The article I read talks about the ten different things between McCain and Obama.
it mentions the Internet and protecting peoples personal information. one candidate wants to keep all information private while the other says leave things as they are. if it where my choice I would leave things the way they are. the answer is because people could always find ways around the governments rules. for example look at drugs they still manage to thrive even though the government stops them from coming in.

Obama & McCain Pictures, Images and Photos

Peoples safety does matter and knowing that other people such as random people could steal your social security. when you read more into the article it mentions that the people incharge of the interent can shut it down but i dont think that is possible in this point of time. if they take down the internet as we know it hackers would probably try and build a whole new network or internet. it would be ran without rules.

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