Monday, March 23, 2009

What I'm Bringing to the Magazine

What I could contribute to the magazine in the form of writing would possibly be an article because the photo essay I feel would be as strong as a regular piece of writing. So instead my writing could be about art or I could possibly creat an art piece that would be featured in the magazine maybe a two page spread with the artist statement overlapping on the bottom right of the picture. This is just one idea which is the pain idea I have for the magazine.

Usually when it comes to creativity and thinking of names I have one ready for every occasion but for once I don't have any ideas on what the magazine title would be.

A topic of an article that would most likely catch my attention would have to be something fascinating or for example a creative hook in the title. the topic how ever would have to be the wildest thing that happened at internship, for example while going to lunch you saw Bigfoot run across the street saying "I exist so do aliens don't buy into fake stories or cover ups by the government..." that would be something I definitely read.

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